Book one or multiple modules to create your own professional development package. Modules can be one to four hours.


Module Challenge 1: Avoid taking things personally.

Communication Styles: Why can’t everybody do things just as I do?

Get things done more productively and with less tension through the knowledge of Communication [Personality] Styles.

  • Inventory your interpersonal communication style and understand your and others’ approaches to people, task, time, change and even the pace with which they work.
  • Learn and apply that knowledge in this fun, interactive and informative team building workshop.
  • Increase cooperation and connection and have more harmonious relationships at work and in your personal life.
Module Challenge 2: Stop “walking on eggshells”.

Module: Assert:  Be clear and direct

  • Inventory your assertiveness.
  • Identify passive, aggressive and passive-resistance behavior.
  • Explore and practice assertive techniques to enable you to avoid knee jerk reactions, snide digs, pushy-insistents and passive-resistants.
business women 2 feedback with penModule Challenge 3: Confuse feedback with criticism.

Give and Receive Feedback in Professional Manner

  • Inventory your ability to give and accept feedback.
  • Learn three feedback formulas: to encourage positive behavior, to improve behavior and to proactively ask others for feedback on what you can do differently.
  • Explore tips on how to accept and give feedback.
Module Challenge 4 : Manage Negative- Difficult Behaviors

Stop the Negativity Virus at Work

  • Identify 5 causes of workplace negativity.
  • Explore your hot buttons that cause you to react negatively.
  • Examine 8 types of negators and learn mechanisms to manage gossip, finger pointing, naysayers, whiners, complainers and more.
  • Strategize a plan of how to deal with the major negator in your life by using guided questions from an action planner.
Module Challenge 5 :  Keep Negativity from Spreading and Escalating

Mangers Stop the Momentum of Negativity

Negativity left unchecked often results in behaviors that are “over the line” and unacceptable. Learn skills and strategies to create a more positive e culture that minimizes the development of behavior that may result in disciplinary action.

  • Examine 4 key positive-managing attitudes
  • Identify 5 Norm setters
  • Check list of 8 Performance Considerations
  • Consider 12 Things managers do to create issues
  • Explore creating Code of Conduct
  • Apply 3 feedback formulas to appreciate, improve performance and ask for feedback on your performance.
Module  Challenge 6 :  Send the Right Message through Body Language. Read the Customer. Listen Between the Lines.

Huh? What’s that you’re saying? The body and face send ‘silent messages’ that pack a wallop and tell us what our customers and listeners want.

  • Send the right message through your body language
  • Enhance customer experiences by learning to read customers and identifying clusters of body signals to anticipate how to serve customers
  • Gain respect, discover solutions and demonstrate empathy by avoiding listening barriers and bloopers and learning how to listen in between the lines.